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In January 2018 the UCA IEC 61850 Edition 2 conformance test of Schneider Electric protection relay Easergy P3U30 was successfully carried on at INFO TECH premises by DNV GL with the assistance of our team. As an extension of this session all configuration files and data model tests were successfully performed on the other Easergy P3 product variants built using the same communication hardware and software version:
· P3F30 Feeder relay
· P3G30 Generator relay
· P3G32 Generator differential relay
· P3L30 Line differential and distance relay
· P3M30 Motor relay
· P3M32 Motor differential relay
· P3T32 Transformer protection relay
· P3U20 Protection relay
The implementation of the IEC 61850 communication interface in this product series was done by INFO TECH based on INFO TECH IEC 61850 Software Library and with preliminary conformance verification using INFO TECH 61850 Tester System.
The UCA IUG certificate of the IEC 61850 Ed.2 conformance Level A was issued on the 2nd of February 2018.
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IEC 61850 conformance testing services for devices with server and GOOSE interfaces.
Full coverage of test cases of Edition 1 and Edition 2.
Automated testing environment - INFO TECH 61850 Tester System (detailed presentation for download).
Detailed test report with communication log for each test case.
Test service based on our accumulated experience in:
- implementing the IEC 61850 source code library,
- implementing IEC 61850 interfaces in over 20 devices with confirmed conformance to the standard,
- technical assistance to deploy IEC 61850 communication in tens of substation installations.
Over 10 devices tested using INFO TECH 61850 Tester System during the last 2 years.
INFO TECH certificate issued after passing the test.
Welcome to request a quote of our test services based on your product's conformance statement and ICD file.
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We are proud to announce that on September 12, 2017 our base product - INFO TECH IEC 61850 Software Library together with testing and simulation tools - received a prestigious award - Honourable Commendation of the International Power Industry Fair ENERGETAB 2017.
The already 30th edition of ENERGETAB was a great event of the power industry, gathering over 700 exhibitors from 17 countries of Europe and Asia, presenting their newest products and solutions for the energy sector.
INFO TECH greatest satisfaction comes always with the market success of our customers' products embedding INFO TECH solution for the IEC 61850 communication. But this award is clearly a mark of appreciation for the quality and reliability of our deliveries to already 32 customers licensing our Library, our assistance to over 20 passed IEC 61850 conformance tests under the UCA IUG procedures, and our expert services provided to system integrators to deploy the IEC 61850 based communication.
We would also like to thank numerous customers visiting our stand and attending our presentations at ENERGETAB Fair - for staying on the right path to reach the most dependable supplier of the IEC 61850 conformant software and for the inspiring discussions on the new products development.
Z wielką przyjemnością informujemy, że 12 września 2017 roku nasz kluczowy produkt - Biblioteka Oprogramowania INFO TECH IEC61850 Software Library wraz z programami do testowania i symulacji - otrzymał prestiżową nagrodę - Wyróżnienie Honorowe na Międzynarodowych Energetycznych Targach Bielskich ENERGETAB 2017.
Trzydzieste jubileuszowe Targi ENERGETAB okazały się wielkim wydarzeniem z udziałem ponad 700 wystawców z 17 krajów Europy i Azji, prezentujących swoje najnowsze produkty i rozwiązania dla sektora energetycznego.
Najwięcej satysfakcji sprawia zawsze zespołowi INFO TECH sukces rynkowy produktów naszych klientów, którzy zaufali naszym rozwiązaniom implementacji komunikacji IEC 61850. Ale ta nagroda stanowi niewątpliwie sumaryczny dowód uznania dla jakości i niezawodności naszego oprogramowania dostarczonego już 32 klientom-licencjobiorcom, naszej asysty podczas przeszło 20 pomyślnych testów zgodności z normą IEC 61850 w oparciu o procedury UCA IUG, oraz naszych eksperckich usług doradczych i audytowych świadczonych integratorom systemów wykorzystujących komunikację IEC 61850.
Dziękujemy również rozlicznym klientom odwiedzającym nasze stoisko oraz biorącym udział w naszych prezentacjach na Targach ENERGETAB - za znalezienie właściwej drogi do niezawodnego dostawcy oprogramowania zgodnego z normą IEC 61850 oraz za inspirujące dyskusje na temat opracowania nowych produktów.
Relacja wideo z Targów ENERGETAB 2017
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- Hits: 2460
On the 27th of June 2017 the results of our work done in co-operation with Schneider Electric Finland were presented by Olavi Vahamaki at PAC World 2017 conference in Wrocław. The report was entitled "Pre-study of a software based PRP implementation for redundant IEC 61850 implementation" and outlined an effective way of implementing Paraller Redundancy Protocol interface in VAMP 57 device.
Protection, Automation and Control World is one of the most important communities of professionals from power utilities, universities, manufacturers and consultants.
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Training material rated 4.7
Competence of instructors rated 4.9
Significance to participant's work rated 4.1
Novelty of acquired information rated 4.1
General evaluation of the training rated 4.1
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